Changing the world, one life at at time

Charles Fillmore, co-founder of Unity, stated that prayer was the fastest mind action there is. In other
words, prayer helps us change our perspective quicker than anything else. In Unity, we practice
affirmative prayer, not beseeching nor pleading a sky god, but affirming the spiritual truth that we are
one with the universal intelligence and source. We pray, not to change things, but rather to change the
way we see them. We pray, knowing that we already have access to the wisdom, understanding, love
and faith within. These abilities are given to everyone and as we move along on our spiritual path, we
more easily activate and use these powers. We let go of the blocks that are keeping us from living our
highest and best self- the blocks of fear, resentment and anything else that may keep us mired in
thoughts of ‘not enough’. Then we affirm the spiritual truth of who we are- love in action, one with
If you are facing difficult circumstances, or just have a habit you’d like to change, prayer can help.
Begin by noticing your breath and allow your body to relax and your thoughts to calm. Take as long as
you need in order to feel a measure of peace. Release the thoughts that keeping you from knowing
yourself as a magnificent, spiritual being, and then simply affirm the presence of God is here now, that
you have the ability to choose how you perceive every situation, and you choose the higher perspective
End your prayer with gratitude, and perhaps sit quietly in the silence for a bit.

“When we view ourselves as ‘only human’, we pray to God from a consciousness of powerlessness.  When we realize our Divine Identity, we pray from Divine Consciousness.”  Martella Whitsett

Affirmative prayer is time spent aligning with our Higher Self, our true essence as an individualized expression of the Divine.  We pray, not so much asking to change circumstances or people, but to shift our own perspective in seeing the divine present everywhere.

We are divine.  It is our nature; it is who we are.  When we say we have divine potential we are limiting ourselves to fully expressing our divinity to some future date. Right here and right now, we are a spiritual being, and we will never be anything less. As we let go of limited thinking, worries and concerns, we can more easily open to the activity of Spirit within and recognize the truth of who we are. As we align with our higher self, our outlook on life changes and then life itself reveals itself as good, loving and joyous.  And as we raise our consciousness and vibration, we impact those around us.  This is one way we are co-creating a better world.

Through affirmative prayer, we align with our True Self.